Düver Atlı-Griffon Levhası’nın İkonografisi, Tarihlendirilmesi ve Kültürel Kimliği Üzerine Düşünceler

Journal Title: Cedrus: Akdeniz Uygarliklari Araştirma Dergisi - Year 2017, Vol 5, Issue


Research on the Düver Rider-griffin tile (a gei­son-sima-spouted tile) forms the major part of the au­thor’s PhD dissertation at the Istanbul University with the title, Düver Architectural Terracotta Revetments. Unfor­tunately, these architectural terracottas from Yarışlı Gölü, Yarım Ada in Pisidia have been ripped out of their archae­ological context from 1960 onwards due to repeated illegal excavations. This material has been the subject of the au­thor’s post-doctoral research, which aims to re-establish the context of these terracottas within the Düver Settle­ment History Research Project. This paper presents sever­al conclusions from field survey results and from a detailed analysis of all the terracottas today scattered in many col­lections, mainly in the USA and Europe, as well as those in Turkish museums. First, the tile’s function as an architec­tural element in the roofing system, its position on the structure, and the roof genre to which it belongs have been identified. Three figures on the plate have been individu­ally examined; stylistic comparisons have been made in the light of the other existing examples and the iconogra­phy of the scene has been re-interpreted. Furthermore, this paper discusses the production workshops and en­deavors to cast a clearer light concerning the dating that has been proposed by various scholars for these architec­tural terracottas and on the question of cultural identity.

Authors and Affiliations

Tarkan KAHYA


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  • EP ID EP203910
  • DOI 10.13113/CEDRUS.201703
  • Views 35
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How To Cite

Tarkan KAHYA (2017). Düver Atlı-Griffon Levhası’nın İkonografisi, Tarihlendirilmesi ve Kültürel Kimliği Üzerine Düşünceler. Cedrus: Akdeniz Uygarliklari Araştirma Dergisi, 5(), 21-55. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-203910