Dynamics of occupational and relational functioning of outpatients with mental disorders in two-year observation

Journal Title: Psychiatria Polska - Year 2014, Vol 48, Issue 3


Objectives: The aim of the project was to assess changes of occupational and relational functioning within 2 years period of ambulatory treatment of persons suffering from different mental disorders. Material and method: Outpatients (n=184) at the age of 18-54 from five diagnostic groups – according to ICD-10: psychotic disorders (F2), affective disorders (F3), anxiety disorders (F4), eating disorders (F5) and personality disorders (F6) were enrolled in the prospective study with 6, 12 and 24 months follow-up assessments. Functioning was evaluated by the Social and Occupational Functioning Assessment Scale (SOFAS) and the Global Assessment of Relational Functioning (GARF). Results: In the whole group occupational and relational functioning improved during the two-year follow-up. At the time of recruitment to study the worst occupational functioning (SOFAS) was observed within the group schizophrenic patients and the best within neurotic group. In each diagnostic group SOFAS scores have improved over time. However, the groups F2 and F6 difference between the baseline and 24.months follow-up measurements was ir - relevant statistically, whereas in the case of the other groups (F3, F4, F5) a significant increase were observed. In all diagnostic groups except F6 the relational functioning has improved. Taking into account the results of the entire cohort, there was no association between occupational functioning and relationships and age, sex. The occupational and relational functioning was, however, strongly associated with the presence of negative and depressive symptoms, number of days on sick leave and level of education Conclusions: The results warrant further research, in-depth discussion on the recognition of occupational dysfunction, disability of social coping in relationships among people with mental disorders. The next step will be the introduction of appropriate after-effect in this regard.

Authors and Affiliations

Joanna Rymaszewska, Justyna Mazurek


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How To Cite

Joanna Rymaszewska, Justyna Mazurek (2014). Dynamics of occupational and relational functioning of outpatients with mental disorders in two-year observation. Psychiatria Polska, 48(3), 599-613. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-142412