Dysfunction of the liver in patients with newly diagnosed pulmonary tuberculosis, depending on the presence of concomitant viral hepatitis
Journal Title: Туберкульоз, легеневі хвороби, ВІЛ-інфекція - Year 2018, Vol 0, Issue 1
Objective — the aim of the work is to analyze the liver function in patients with first diagnosed tuberculosis (FDTB) of the lungs before the beginning of antimycobacterial therapy (AMBT) using ultrasound (ultrasound) of the hepatobiliary system. Materials and methods. The clinical study involved 47 patients with FDTB of the lungs, who were examined according to national methods and standards before the start of AMBT. Patients are divided into 2 identical groups, depending on their concomitant pathology, viral hepatitis B and C. Patients of both groups did not differ in age, sex, type of tuberculosis process and comorbidity. Results and discussion. The majority of the examined patients with concomitant viral hepatitis showed signs of liver damage, which were manifested by hepatomegaly and splenomegaly, decreased or increased echogenicity of the parenchyma, heterogeneity of its structure and parameters of the portal blood flow, in contrast to patients with VDTB of the lungs without viral hepatitis. Conclusions. It was established that even before the beginning of AMBT, in patients with concomitant viral hepatitis, there was an increase in the level of some biochemical parameters and changes in the liver parenchyma were observed in ultrasound, which requires special attention when using antimycobacterial drugs (AMBD).
Authors and Affiliations
A. F. Marchenko, V. I. Petrenko, O. A. Golubovska, M. G. Dolinska, I. O. Galan, O. E. Begoulev, H. O. Pronuk, M. M. Sukach, Т. V. Malinovska
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