Dyskusja nad rolą i zadaniami podręcznika szkolnego w Polsce w latach 1918–1939
Journal Title: Kwartalnik Pedagogiczny - Year 2018, Vol 63, Issue 4
The subject of this article is a debate which took place in the community of teachers and educators over the period 1918–1939. Its topic related to the function and role of textbooks in the educational process. The analysis of the published articles and science books showed the evolution of views and opinions which developed from the extreme rejection of a textbook and the denial of its dominant position in a 19th century school, to a compromise that was reached in the 1930s and reconciled the “vivid teaching” of a teacher with students’ self-study with a textbook. Maturing and changing opinions and views on the issue of a textbook referred to its classification, role, function, contents structure and the language. The debate which took place in the Second Polish Republic did not result in developing the theory of a textbook although it was an important contribution to its shaping.<br/><br/>
Authors and Affiliations
Ewa Wołoszyn
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