The textual criticism of the Bible, as viewed traditionally, has for its primary object the reconstruction of the original text from manuscript versions and quotations in ancient writings. Since biblical texts have been...
Zachariah does not belong to the group of main protagonists of the New Testament. He is even hardly a main figure of Lucan two-volume work. And yet, he does play some important role in the narrative of Luke-Acts. Putting...
Marcin Kowalski (2015). Działalność Instytutu Nauk Biblijnych w roku akademickim 2013/2014. The Biblical Annals, 5(1),
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Pierwotne brzmienie tekstu? Refleksje nad krytyką tekstualną Biblii
The textual criticism of the Bible, as viewed traditionally, has for its primary object the reconstruction of the original text from manuscript versions and quotations in ancient writings. Since biblical texts have been...
Omberta Pettigiani, «Ma io ricorderò la mia alleanza con te». La procedura del rîb come chiave interpretativa di Ez 16 (Analecta Biblica 207; Rome: Gregorian & Biblical Press 2015).
recenzja książki
Działalność Instytutu Nauk Biblijnych w roku akademickim 2013/2014
Zachariasz – kapłan, ojciec, ofiarnik
Zachariah does not belong to the group of main protagonists of the New Testament. He is even hardly a main figure of Lucan two-volume work. And yet, he does play some important role in the narrative of Luke-Acts. Putting...
Wiesław Jonczyk, Wprowadzenie do języka greckiego Nowego Testamentu (Pracownia biblijna 1; Kraków: Wydawnictwo WAM 2014).
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