Dziecka na wirtualnym podwórku
Journal Title: Zabawy i Zabawki. Studia Antropologiczne - Year 2017, Vol 15, Issue
In computerized world, in which the digital technology plays crucial role, modern children found the new place where they spend their free time, meet friends, play and grow up. The place is the virtual reality, how different from reality, almost unlimited and omnipresent. The aim of the article is an attempt to develop framework for this section of virtual reality, which became the environment of modern children. However, the framework was created through the prism of traditional forms and places of spending free time on playing. To that end some conventional frames were set. The frames form features indicating similarities between real world and virtual reality. An attempt was made to find virtual substitutes for places where children play and games from real world, focusing on the nature of these places and forms of spending free time by the youngest. It should be underlined that the article does not treat the virtual reality in categories of value judgement; in fact, it is the attempt to find places of recreation, which have their digital substitute. The aim of the article is not to judge, but to underline a certain trend, which (as it seems; it can be predicted) will be based on shifting more and more new forms of human activity to virtual reality, also by the children.
Authors and Affiliations
Monika Wojtkowiak
Ad memoriam. Ryszard Zięzio (1946-2017). Zabawa a magia
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