The paper is dedicated to the methodological approach of Andrzej Jan Chodubski (1952-2017), one of the most prominent Polish political scientists and co-creator of political science at the University of Gdansk. His attit...
The aim of this paper is to address the issue of advertising and marketing in election campaigns of politicians and political parties. It presents theoretical aspects, stories and techniques by means of which political m...
In the contemporary global economic reality, many social, cultural and political problems emerge. Most of all, this problem is connected with economic and financial spheres. The paradox of contradictions manifests itself...
Stosunki dyplomatyczne Polski i Holandii w latach 1918-2006
W stronę politologii humanistycznej. Przyczynek do studiów nad znaczeniem interpretacji cywilizacyjnej w podejściu metodologicznym Andrzeja Jana Chodubskiego
The paper is dedicated to the methodological approach of Andrzej Jan Chodubski (1952-2017), one of the most prominent Polish political scientists and co-creator of political science at the University of Gdansk. His attit...
Logika ekologii a przemiany cywilizacji współczesnej
Rola reklamy i marketingu w kampaniach wyborczych
The aim of this paper is to address the issue of advertising and marketing in election campaigns of politicians and political parties. It presents theoretical aspects, stories and techniques by means of which political m...
Przyszłość bezpieczeństwa społecznego Unii Europejskiej w globalnej rzeczywistości XXI wieku przez pryzmat megatrendu minimalizacji kosztów pracy i robotyzacji
In the contemporary global economic reality, many social, cultural and political problems emerge. Most of all, this problem is connected with economic and financial spheres. The paradox of contradictions manifests itself...