
The methodological toolkit for researching the issue includes the variety of theories on location acceptance (local space) and the idea of behaviorism, as well as scholar studies on ecological/environmental identity in the time of the Anthropocene (S. Clayton), appealing to the close connection to the environment as a com-ponent of personal identity in the Anthropocene, which shapes our world reception and actions in the con-text of “green initiatives” and “sustainable development” policy. Studying post-Chernobyl communicative discourse demonstrates that Chernobyl as a factor of ecological identity formation within Chernobyl narration studies can be correlated with the acute issues of environ-mental humanities researches. This aspect of the research faces the issues at the edge of humanities and science while regarding Chernobyl in the view of political representation as well as ethics. Under such cir-cumstances ecological identity is studied in its relation to conceptions of the natural, technology, wideness, atom, nuclear and in its relation to the material distribution of environmental hazards. In Ukraine’s context identity studies take place in close connection with cultural, political and social meanings closely associated with Chernobyl’s environmental debates within the post-Chernobyl communicative discourse. The multidis-ciplinary debates allow studying a historical event in its close connection with human, animal, and techno-logical studies in the contemporary eco-centered studies while stressing the development and maintenance of identity, and the related issues of identification concerning the place and a real historical event. It is for the first time that the scholarship emphasis is put on researching the specificity of “ecological iden-tity”, shaped by the knowledge of the environment and the experience of the interconnections between the eco-system and the human social and cultural space on the example of the post-Chernobyl communicative discourse. The results of the research can be used for further studying “ecological consciousness” and “ecological thinking” as the common values of sustainable development within the Eastern Partnership.

Authors and Affiliations

I. Sukhenko


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How To Cite

I. Sukhenko (2017). ECOLOGICAL IDENTITY WITHIN ECOLOGICAL COMMUNICATION STUDIES: THE UKRAINIAN VISION. Вісник Дніпропетровського університету. Серія "Соціальні комунікації", 25(12), 116-122.