Economic event conceptualization through script theory

Journal Title: Science and Education a New Dimension - Year 2018, Vol 0, Issue 182


Modern media make an inextricable part of human life and provide an essential way of learning about worldwide events. All means target the mass audience by letting them have access to information, and securing its dissemination. The media can thus exert a powerful influence on people’s opinions by attracting their attention to certain events through the use of framing theory prin- ciples. Framing theory implies the presentation of the news to the audience in such a way that it impacts people’s choices in perceiv- ing and processing information. Frames are data-structures that work to organize message meaning. To understand events and situa- tions, people use various frames or scripts that are registered in their memory in an orderly manner. There is a limited study done in regard to the field of economic events conceptualization from the view of cognitive linguistics. Therefore, the present paper attempts to make a modest contribution in this domain with analysis and discussion of the script and its constituents inherent in an economic event published on the website in 2014. It mainly addresses issues related to reading and understanding of business news, focusing on the organization and interpretation of scripts relevant to economic events. It discusses various theories concerning the nature and principles of economic events comprehension and the peculiarities regarding the structure of frames and scripts that are employed by people for processing information related to economic events. In the paper the theory of scripts is inter- preted as a main tool for news message presentation on behalf of the journalist. As is known, scripts as types of a concept contain structural elements – terminals or slots that must be filled by specific instances or data (agent, change, time, location, recipient, inten- tion, cause, result, etc.) which are activated in accordance with the provided information. These slots can be represented either explic- itly or implicitly, depending on a variety of factors. We distinguish between nuclear and alternative parts inherent in the structure of scripts. Due to the nuclear part (agent, change, time, location), we are able to recognize the situation in the process of its interpreta- tion, whereas the alternative part (recipient, intention, cause, result, forecast, evaluation, etc.) conveys conventional information about the latter. However, in the process of economic event conceptualization, they come forward and become salient to ensure the reader’s comprehensive frame-building process.

Authors and Affiliations

L. Harutyunyan


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  • EP ID EP499329
  • DOI 10.31174/SEND-Ph2018-182VI53-02
  • Views 133
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How To Cite

L. Harutyunyan (2018). Economic event conceptualization through script theory. Science and Education a New Dimension, 0(182), 10-13.