Economic-mathematical model for optimal distribution of service stations
Journal Title: Проблеми економіки та політичної економії - Year 2018, Vol 1, Issue
The paper studies a particular problem of optimal coverage or partitioning of a set of consumers into service areas without restrictions on the power of service stations, locating the coordinates of subset centers. We analyze existing formulations of related problems and methods for their solution. We construct an economic-mathematical model of the problem, develop an algorithm for its solution. We propose an efficiency criterion of the partition for service areas which is defined as the coefficient of uneven load on consumers. We provide examples of practical applications for the developed model and algorithm. Solving such problems requires additional research, including collecting and statistically processing additional information about possible ways of consumer movements and service station locations. An analysis of the infrastructure of a populated area or region will allow to identify bottlenecks in the functioning of various organizations, elimination of which will lead to an increase in the quality of life of the population.
Authors and Affiliations
A. S. Lozovsky
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