Еconomic principles and ecological consequences of land use in urban and suburban areas


The paper analyses the underlying economic factors of the large cities, urban center in different geographical regions. It describes the ecological consequences of extensive land use in the urban region, determine the expenses of the city budget of the ecology related factors, such as trash collection and utilization, carbon emissions reduction, level of green areas, costs of their maintenance and sustainable development. The future projections are based on the Paris climate agreement and national or city level plan of sustainable development till 2035. The article deals with difference of income, land prices and land use models of the large cities, how they are different and like other metapolicies worldwide and in the geographical region. The paper examined the issue of how government regulate land use in the context of the large city, legal status of the cities and what role they pay in economic development. The determining economic principles that were introduced in this research are land prices for different use cases, such as industrial, commercial, and residential relative to general level of economic development of the city. Other key factors are rent prices withing the context of income and number of employees, corporations that operate in the city. Following cities Shanghai, New York, Mexico City, Paris, and Kyiv, were picked to analyze the land use patterns, ecology related expanse and future forecast modeling. In this paper we highlighted several key differences between those cities. Size of the urban land area and metropolitan areas are where most of differences are. While the geographical boundaries of the core city itself or the downtown areas produced similar results, regardless of the city geographical or economic development levels. Results of economic modeling of the ecological related budget spending, sustainable development 2035 plan, highlight that cities with larger budgets, such as NY city or Shanghai, spend relatively to the total sum less on the ecology, while cities that encountered with ecological problems, such as Mexico City, plan to spend more on the future sustainable development. At the same time, some cities in the countries that signed Paris agreement, do not have specific economical plans on future development, such as Kyiv.

Authors and Affiliations

V. Nazarenko


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  • EP ID EP692554
  • DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.31548/zemleustriy2020.02.10
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How To Cite

V. Nazarenko (2020). Еconomic principles and ecological consequences of land use in urban and suburban areas. Scientific and Industrial Jornal "Land Management, Cadastre and Land Monitoring", 2(10), -. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-692554