Educational problems in patients operated for bladder cancer

Journal Title: Onkologia Polska - Year 2006, Vol 9, Issue 4


Introduction and objectives: On account of the high sick rates of urinary bladder cancer, the necessity of surgical treatment and the very high fear level which occur, the authors as a aim of study decided to define knowledge, level of preoperative preparation of the sick including possibility in getting information before surgical treatment by patients. Material and methods: The researches were carried out among 60 patients before diagnostic or treatment procedure. Results: The analysis of medical documentation and own elaborated questionnaire were used as a method. Almost half of the patients (47.6%) confirm that do not understand information which they get from health care team about their physical state, therapeutic and diagnostic treatment. Of the patients in the questionnaire (42%) had the greatest trust to a nurse and talked with her about fears. The alarming fact is that 41 % patients (from group which did not talk about fear) as a reason of their situation blame the health system, claming that they did not have possibility to meet with doctor. Of the patients in questionnaire (49%) would like to consult a psychology.

Authors and Affiliations

Barbara Wojewoda, Jan Juzwiszyn, Sylwia Durlej, Tadeusz Łukieńczuk, Marzena Kociołek, Krystyna Misiak, Eleonora Mess, Andrzej Pawlak


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How To Cite

Barbara Wojewoda, Jan Juzwiszyn, Sylwia Durlej, Tadeusz Łukieńczuk, Marzena Kociołek, Krystyna Misiak, Eleonora Mess, Andrzej Pawlak (2006). Educational problems in patients operated for bladder cancer. Onkologia Polska, 9(4), 180-183.