Edukacja finansowa wobec rozwoju rynku alternatywnych usług finansowych, Financial education in view of the alternative financial services market development


Artykuł nie zawiera abstraktu w języku polskim. Continuous and dynamic changes in the functioning of the modern financial system cause an in- crease in the role of financial education. The importance of financial education for the development of alternative financial services requires, in the first place, the determination of the scope of that market. In world literature one can find numerous attempts to define the alternative financial services. Atten- tion is drawn to the diverse nature of the providers of products and services and the various conditions for the development of the offer on the market. Aside from the undeniable advantages, the attention is drawn to the existence of many threats and risks posed by unregulated financial services, especially for consumers. This underlines the importance and sets the objectives of the financial education addressed to the market participants.

Authors and Affiliations

Bożena Frączek, Krystyna Mitręga-Niestrój


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  • EP ID EP169433
  • DOI 10.17951/h.2014.48.3.99
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How To Cite

Bożena Frączek, Krystyna Mitręga-Niestrój (2014). Edukacja finansowa wobec rozwoju rynku alternatywnych usług finansowych, Financial education in view of the alternative financial services market development. Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska Sectio H Oeconomia, 0(0), 99-107.