Efektivitas Thinking For A Change terhadap Peningkatan Regulasi Diri Warga Binaan Pemasyarakatan Kasus Penipuan
Journal Title: JIP (Jurnal Intervensi Psikologi) - Year 2014, Vol 6, Issue 2
This study aims to obtain some empirical data about how effective Thinking For A Change (TFAC) towards self-regulation, on criminal offender that convicted in fraud, at the Female Penitentiary Class IIA Bandung. The focus of TFAC is to change the criminal offender’s disfungsional thoughts and beliefs to be fungsional. This study used Quasi Experiment method with One-Group Pretest-Posttest design. Self-regulation measured by self-regulation scale, designed by Miller dan Brown that consist of seven aspects, receiving, evaluating, triggering, searching, formulating, implementing, and assessing. Based on validity test of measuring instrument, there are 48 valid item with a reliability level of 0.898. Subject of this study is two criminal offender that convicted in fraud, at Female Penitentiary Class IIA Bandung. The result of this study showed that after intervention, the level of criminal offender’s self-regulation was increased from low to medium, with the average changes in 33.22%. based on the result it can be concluded that thinking for a change (TFAC) treatment was effective to increase the criminal offender’s self-regulation in Female Penitentiary Class IIA Bandung.
Authors and Affiliations
Eneng Nurlaili Wangi, Annisa Walastri
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