Ефективність застосування гербіциду дербі в посівах пшениці озимої


Every year grain production is becoming increasingly important in the agriculture of Ukraine. When applying herbicide in low rates their effectiveness is less because weeds survive mainly for their ability to metabolize the herbicide, that is, to neutralize its effect. When applying higher rates of herbicide there was a decrease in both the amount and mass of weeds in winter wheat crops. In particular, the use of 60 ml/ ha of the herbicide allowed to keep down 77% of weeds in number and 71 % by weight. Weeds were most effectively kept down when Derby was applied in the norms of 70 and 80 ml/ ha. Weediness reduction in the time of the herbicide application can actively influence the height growth of cultivated plants. The linear growth of winter wheat plants differed and depended on the rates of the applied herbicide. The highest growth rates of plants were observed with the application of 70 ml/ ha which was 66 cm and exceeded the check variant by 11 On average, in two years of research, the highest increase in the yield of winter wheat was obtained when Derby was applied at the rate of 70 ml/ ha. In this variant of the experiment the yield increase was 16 %. The application of 50 ml/ ha provided 6.0% of the yield increase and increasing the rate to 60 ml/ ha it was 12 %. A slightly smaller increase was obtained when the maximum herbicide rate was 80 ml/ ha. Thus, the use of Derby herbicide directly affects the development of segetal vegetation. Reduction of weediness after herbicide application actively influences the height growth of plants but with the increased rate of the herbicide (80 ml/ ha) its phyto toxicity increases with respect to winter wheat plants. This inhibits the activity of growth processes to a certain extent in comparison with optimal rates of the herbicide. As the effective suppression of weeds in winter wheat crops has increased, the yield level of the studied crop has increased significantly.

Authors and Affiliations

І. Б. Леонтюк, О. І. Заболотний, О. В. Голодрига, Л. В. Розборська


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How To Cite

І. Б. Леонтюк, О. І. Заболотний, О. В. Голодрига, Л. В. Розборська (2018). Ефективність застосування гербіциду дербі в посівах пшениці озимої. Збірник наукових праць Уманського національного університету садівництва, 1(92), 159-168. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-523343