Підвищення ефективності використання симбіотичного азоту при вирощуванні багаторічних бобово-злакових травосумішок на схилах


Considering the high production cost of mineral nitrogen fertilizers, to the wide use of biological nitrogen fixation with bean grasses is important. The article gives data on the amount of raw weight of active nodules of a bird's foot trefoil (Lotus corniculatus). Also, the active symbiotic potential and the amount of symbiotic fixed nitrogen are calculated. The aim of the studies was to determine the effectiveness of the symbiotic fixation of the nitrogen of the bird's foot trefoil in a mixture with timothy grass, depending on the fertilizer. Based on the results of the conducted studies, it was established that the effectiveness of biological nitrogen fixation depended to a large extent on both the technological methods of growing legume grass mix and on weather conditions, especially soil moistening. Favorable conditions for the formation of a raw mass of active nodules were in the year of sowing and in the first mowing of 2013–2014. At the same time, the maximum raw weight of active nodules was on the variant with the combined use of Rizobophyte and phosphorus fertilizers. The maximum amount of raw weight of the formed nodules on the root system of the bird's foot trefoil was on the variant with seed treatment with Rizobophyte and phosphorus fertilizer application in the calculation of 60 kg/ha of active substance – 461 kg/ha. The combination of processing the seeds of the bird's foot trefoil with Rizobofit and ammonium molybdate while using phosphorus fertilizer was accompanied by a reduction in the amount and raw weight of active nodules both in the sowing year and in the first mowing of 2013–2014 years, if to compare with the version where only the inoculum and phosphorus fertilizers were used. The joint use of phosphorus fertilizers and Rizobophyte provided the maximum indicator of the active symbiotic potential of sowing – 15524 kg d./ha. On the same version of the fertilizer, 69.5 kg/ha of symbiotic nitrogen was recorded.

Authors and Affiliations

В. О. Оліфрович, О. С. Чинчик, Л. В. Вишневська, В. С. Кравченко


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How To Cite

В. О. Оліфрович, О. С. Чинчик, Л. В. Вишневська, В. С. Кравченко (2018). Підвищення ефективності використання симбіотичного азоту при вирощуванні багаторічних бобово-злакових травосумішок на схилах. Збірник наукових праць Уманського національного університету садівництва, 1(92), 184-191. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-523349