Формування врожайності видів еспарцету залежно від технологічних прийомів їх вирощування


The results of studies different fertilizer doses influence on plant heights formation and yields of common sainfoin, Trans-Caucasian sainfoin and sandy sainfoin on typical black soil in the Right-bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine are presented. It is established that species features are of paramount importance in sainfoins high formation. Regardless of fertilizing level, Regardless of fertilizing level, the maximum size of plants linear growth was formed by common sainfoin – 95.2–98.4 cm. The linear growth of sandy sainfoin plants varied within the limits 51.7–58.4 cm, Trans-Caucasian sainfoin – 73.3–76.3 cm. nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizers introduction (N45R60K90) with seed inoculation intensified the plants growth of all kinds of sainfoin. The highest yields were formed by sowings of common sainfoin – in the range 25.67–26.65 t/ha, depending on the level of fertilizer and weather conditions of the year. Moreover, the difference between the variants with full fertilizer and only phosphorus-potassium did not exceed 0.03 t/ha, which indicates a slight dependence of this kind of sainfoin on additional application of nitrogen fertilizers. The yield of sainfoins was 10.66–22.73 t/ha. According to the analysis of research results obtained, common sainfoin is most sensitive to the introduction of basic nutrients. The absence of mineral fertilizer sharply reduced crop yield almost twice – up to 10.66 t/ha. The yield of Trans-Caucasian sainfoin was in the range 21.82–23.64 t/ha. So, the highest growth of plants – at the level of 98.4 cm, forms sowing of sainfoin planting under the condition of application of N45R60K90 with seed inoculation. Considerable plant height under favorable weather conditions predetermines to a large extent the formation of high yields among the investigated variants – 26.65 t/ha.

Authors and Affiliations

Г. І. Демидась, І. В. Свистунова, Е. С. Лихошерст


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  • EP ID EP525431
  • DOI 10.31395/2415-8240-2018-93-1-32-39
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How To Cite

Г. І. Демидась, І. В. Свистунова, Е. С. Лихошерст (2018). Формування врожайності видів еспарцету залежно від технологічних прийомів їх вирощування. Збірник наукових праць Уманського національного університету садівництва, 1(93), 32-39. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-525431