Створення закріплювачів стерильності соняшнику кондитерського напряму використання стійких до трибенурон-метилу


The article presents the results of studies on the establishment of sterility stabilizers for sunflower confectionery direction using tribenuron-methyl resistant to action. The creation of hybrid sunflower confectionery use direction – this is a new direction in the selection of culture. Currently, there is a need to create parent crossbreeding components for the removal of domestic hybrids that must meet the production requirements, namely, having a large, full seed, a high weight of 1000 seeds, high protein content, low oil content, which provides high flavoring and low percentage of husk . Particular attention is paid to the formation of hybrids of herbicide-resistant substances of tribenuron-methyl from the group of sulfonylureas. The economic efficiency of the use of herbicides is determined by the size of the preservation of the crop due to the suppression of weeds in the crops, the rates of the drug, their cost and costs of use. Therefore, it makes sense to improve the chemical protection system. Conduct not only stair protection against dicotyledonous weeds, but also after stairs. In the course of research, it has been established that for the creation of confectionery hybrids, the use of herbicide Express resistant, it is necessary that the parent components are resistant to tribenuron-methyl. It has been proved that in order to obtain raw materials with genetic resistance to the drug, it is necessary to make a back-up in order to transfer genes of resistance from donors of foreign origin to domestic forms. To create and identify sterility sterilizers for sunflower with resistance to herbicide Express used marker gene branching stem. The isolated large-fat sterility and their sterile analogues were analyzed for a number of economically valuable signs and selected the best forms as the starting material for heterozygous selection.

Authors and Affiliations

Людмила Рябовол


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How To Cite

Людмила Рябовол (2018). Створення закріплювачів стерильності соняшнику кондитерського напряму використання стійких до трибенурон-метилу. Збірник наукових праць Уманського національного університету садівництва, 1(92), 214-223. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-523358