Efektywność energetyczna pojazdu szynowego w różnych warunkach obciążenia
Journal Title: Technika Transportu Szynowego - Year 2018, Vol 295, Issue 12
This paper analyses how different traction drive load influences energy efficiency of urban rail vehicle. Load depends on the number of passengers and on the speed profile – heavier mass, higher speed and acceleration demand higher tractive effort, which means higher torque on motor shaft. Since number of passengers depends on time of the day, and velocity is influenced by situation on line, adequate conditions were taken into account. Calculation of train run was done using model built in Matlab/Simulink. To provide look into drive efficiency, motor efficiency map and traction inverter losses were calculated and implemented as variable efficiency factor. Calculations were carried out for different speed profiles and load conditions, providing information about energy consumption. Presented results and conclusions are basis for further research.
Authors and Affiliations
A. Jakubowski, L. Jarzębowicz, K. Karwowski
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