Effect Of Expansion Joints On Dynamic Analysis Of Structure


For convenience, the scope of the Committee's study was limited to expansion joints that separate structural frames of buildings in order to relieve excessive temperature ‘induced stresses. The practices and procedures suggested herein are considered to be sound and should guide the designer in producing a more efficient building system than in the past. Also, they have been based for the most part on experience and educated judgment. Tempremature fluctuations also effect dimensional changes in the vertical direction and the performance of the nonstructural building components; while such effects are not considered in this report,. They cannot be ignored during design. Execution of the most efficient design with respect to the total effects of temperature changes on building performance requires criteria developed on a data base more technically sound than exists at present. Thus, research should be undertaken immediately to provide urgently needed information and data that: I. Reflect building damage directly attributable to temperature fluctuation. permit the correlation of ambient temperature with temperatures of building components (structural and nonstructural) at the periphery and within buildings for different building types and materials. Permit the correlation of ambient temperature fluctuations with temperature gradients existing within building components under different conditions of exposure and insulation of these components. Also needed are analytic and experimental investigations that will lead to the correlation of stresses in the various building components with the different patterns of temperature fluctuations and gradients and with the different types of assembly component (connectors). Buildings supported on masonry walls require special examination since effects of temperature changes on the performance of such buildings will vary according to the type of masonry material or combinations of material used. Each type and combination should be investigated with respect to construction details, connections of walls to horizontal and vertical components (roofs, floors, walls, and partitions at right angles), optimal spacing of joints, and extent of joints.

Authors and Affiliations

Dr. B. Sujatha| PG Scholar, Pydah College of Engineering, Kakinada, AP, India, B Anil Kumar| Assistant Professor, Pydah College of Engineering, Kakinada, AP, India


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Dr. B. Sujatha, B Anil Kumar (2016). Effect Of Expansion Joints On Dynamic Analysis Of Structure. International Journal of Science Engineering and Advance Technology, 4(2), 116-124. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-16732