Effect of Expansion Joints on Structural behavior of RC Framed structures


An Expansion joint are the crevices in the building structure gave to permit to the development of the working because of temperature changes. They are given regularly in the structures of pieces, extensions and different structures where there is a change of development of the structures because of temperature. Noteworthiness of these joints are for the most part to control the uneven surface in the structure when it is subjected to temperature changes. In present situation the originators of the structures are not considering extension joints while outlining a multi storied structures. Thought of extension joints in the outline can lessen the temperature burdens and relocation of R.C. encircled structures. In this perspective considered the impact of development joints in basic conduct of RC surrounded normal and unpredictable structures. For this reason considered four distinct sorts of RC surrounded structures (C,T,L and Rectangular) for every situation analyzed the parallel considering so as to uproot and amount of steel with and without extension joints by utilizing PC programming STAAD Pro.

Authors and Affiliations

M. Pavan Kumar| Assistant Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering, SVP College of Engineering, Visakhapatnam, G. T. Naidu| Associate Professor and Head Dept. of Civil Engineering, SVP College of Engineering, Visakhapatnam, D. Ashok Varma| M.Tech Scholar in Civil Engineering with specialization in Structural Engineering,SVP College of Engineering, Visakhapatnam


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M. Pavan Kumar, G. T. Naidu, D. Ashok Varma (2016). Effect of Expansion Joints on Structural behavior of RC Framed structures. International Journal of Science Engineering and Advance Technology, 4(2), 165-174. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-16738