Effect of kinesio taping on static postural balance in subjects with multiple sclerosis
Journal Title: Complementary & Alternative Medicine in Science - Year 2013, Vol 1, Issue 1
Background. Taping has been commonly used to improve the effi ciency of lower extremities. However, little objective evidence has been documented about eff ectiveness of taping on postural stability. This study was aimed at evaluating the eff ectiveness of kinesio taping on postural stability in people with multiple sclerosis (MS). Material and methods. Sixteen patients with MS participated in the study. The fi rst group investi- gated, expenimental (n=8) was taped with functional correctional technique on the gastrocnemius and tibialis anterior muscles. The second group (n=8) was taped on the quadriceps femoris muscle with the placebo technique. Postural stability was measured using Zebris WinFDM-T version 2x1 platform. Results. The center of mass displacement (CoM) of fi rst group subjects with open eyes without and with tape signifi cantly decreased (p = 0.028). In second group did not difer statistically (p = 0.889). There was a signifi cant diff erence (p = 0.002) between (CoM) the fi rst and the second group. The results of (CoM) in bouth groups standing with closed eyes were statisticaly signifi cant (p = 0.038). (CoM) speed in the fi rst group subjects standing with open eyes and with closed eyes without and with tape signifi cantly decreased from 4.02 ± 0.7 mm/s to 2.65 ± 0.9 mm/s (p = 0.028) and from 9.98 ± 0.9 mm/s to 5.79 ± 1.1 mm/s (p = 0.045) respectively. In the second group subjects standing with open eyes and without and with tape (CoM) speed did not diff er signifi cantly (p = 0.735). Standing with closed eyes (CoM) speed increased signifi cantly (p = 0.866). In both groups subjects standing with open eyes we found signifi cant diff erences (p = 0.002). (CoM) speed standing with closed eyes in both groups results showed signifi cant diff erence (p = 0.41). Conclusions. It has been found that kinesio tape, taped with functional correctional technique signifi can- tly improved the postural stability of the patients with MS (p<0.05).
Authors and Affiliations
Grazina Krutulyte, Inesa Rimdeikiene, Vaiva Siauciunaite, Loreta Lopucha, Virginijus Biskys, Romante Aleknaviciene
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