Influence of sensory integration (SI) on psychomotor development of a boy with early infantile autism

Journal Title: Complementary & Alternative Medicine in Science - Year 2013, Vol 1, Issue 2


Background. The theory of sensory integration (SI) is based on neurophysiological knowledge and links processes occurring in the brain with human behaviour. Determining the influence of SI on psychomotor development of an autistic child seems to be an interesting issue. The aim of the stud y was to determine the influence of SI on psychomotor development of a boy with early infantile autism. Material and methods. The study involved a 6-year-old boy with autism. In medical examinations conducted before the boy was 2 years old, infantile encephalopathy and early infantile autism were diagnosed. Since the time of the diagnosis the boy has undergone a psychological and speech therapy, hippotherapy, and canine-assisted therapy, as well as attended classes in a rehabilitation and educational centre (REC). In the REC the patient is managed with the NDT-Bobath and SI methods. The boy also participates in occupational therapy workshops. A six-month therapy with the SI method was assessed. Clinical observation (CO) was used for evaluation of the development of SI processes. The therapeutic procedure consisted in carrying out, once a week, individual 45-minute SI classes. During the classes, activities oriented at intensification and development of disordered psychomotor spheres were conducted. Exercises providing tactile, vestibular, an d proprioceptive stimuli were used. Observation of the influence of the SI therapy was conducted from November 2009 to May 2010. Results. The SI classes positively affected the examined psychomotor features. This influence particularly concerns improvement of sensory integration processes, static and dynamic balance and core stabilization. Improvement in the boy’s emotional functioning and his increased self-esteem were noticed. Conclusions. A six-month SI therapy positively influenced sensory integration processes in the examined boy with early infantile autism. From the level of sensory integration disorders he moved to the level of the risk of sensory integration disorders.

Authors and Affiliations

Anna Konieczna-Gorysz, Ewa Demczuk-Włodarczyk, Małgorzata Fortuna, Katarzyna Hełmecka


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How To Cite

Anna Konieczna-Gorysz, Ewa Demczuk-Włodarczyk, Małgorzata Fortuna, Katarzyna Hełmecka (2013). Influence of sensory integration (SI) on psychomotor development of a boy with early infantile autism. Complementary & Alternative Medicine in Science, 1(2), 147-151.