Effect of PNF-therapy on recovery in patients after ischemic stroke located in left hemisphere in acute rehabilitation
Journal Title: Annales Academiae Medicae Silesiensis - Year 2014, Vol 68, Issue 5
AIM The aim of the work was to examine the influence of PNF-therapy (proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation therapy) based rehabilitation on the improvement process of motor impairment in patients after ischemic stroke located in the left hemisphere. Our study was carried out in K. Gibiński Central Clinic Hospital of the Medical University of Silesia in Katowice-Ligota. MATERIALS AND METHODS The research subjects were represented by a group of 20 patients (15 female and 5 male) aged 49–86 years, hospitalized in the abovementioned facility. Physical therapy in a stroke department begins (in the first 24 h) with comprehensive evaluation of motor function, mobility, balance, coordination, sensation, and proprioception. Tests used to measures them include: Lovett scale, Brunnstom scale, Rankin scale, Up and Go Test and the Functional Reach Test. Goals that are measurable and realistic were set by the doctors and rehabilitation team, and were reevaluated in the last 24 h before discharge. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS The results of our study indicate that a PNF-therapy based rehabilitation program helps in promoting the recovery of muscle strength, preventing complications due to disabilities and improves adapting to activities of daily living.
Authors and Affiliations
Oktawian Kaniewski, Krzysztof Suszyński, Dariusz Górka, Damian Kania, Justyna Szefler, Iwona Doroniewicz, Grzegorz Opala, Stanisław Kwiek
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