Effect of Slits in A Diverging Conical Ring Insert on Heat Transfer Enhancement in A Cylindrical Tube


Diverging conical ring insert in a cylindrical tube is a passive augmentation technique aiming to improve the heat transfer enhancement. An insert disrupts the flow creating a mixture between core and near wall fluid leading to enhancement of heat. In this research work hot water is used as the test fluid in a simulation to establish the pressure and temperature variation along a tube 4m long with an insert placed at 3.5m from the entrance. At this position uniform velocity is attained to avoid the boundary layer and pipe entry effect. Analysis of the results shows a positive heat transfer enhancement rate compared with a plain tube, the highest rate achieved when two slits are placed on opposite sides of the conical ring.

Authors and Affiliations

Kinyua Eric Mugambi, Mathew Kinyanjui, Murray Humphrey


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Kinyua Eric Mugambi, Mathew Kinyanjui, Murray Humphrey (2017). Effect of Slits in A Diverging Conical Ring Insert on Heat Transfer Enhancement in A Cylindrical Tube. International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology (IJRASET), 5(5), -. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-24286