Effect of Sports on State and Trait Anxiety & Heart Rate Variability

Journal Title: Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences - Year 2016, Vol 4, Issue 3


The main objective is to study effect of sports on state & trait anxiety and HRV. The method is Written informed consent was taken from Age matched University students of age group 16-25 year (those answered NO to all physical activity readiness questions) for recording of Spielberger’s state and trait anxiety inventory questionnaires reply. For Heart Rate Variability observations; subject’s preparation was done as per protocol. Time domain analysis determines parasympathetic activity while frequency domain analysis determines both sympathetic and parasympathetic activity. Poincare analysis provides data on the vagosympathetic balance. Comparison was made between Non exercise control group (n=31), exercise group (n=31) which had an intervention of at least 60 minutes of various sports of moderate to vigorous intensity and all the observation were taken in resting condition after one hour of sports; by applying student t test for equality of means at significance (2-tailed) at p value<0.05. The results In Exercise group ;Resting state anxiety was less ,trait anxiety was high, total anxiety was less(p>.05);.Resting Time Domain HRV showed that No. of RR interval were significantly less(p<.001), means low heart rate and increased parasympathetic activity (P>.05) Resting Frequency Domain HRV showed that higher non harmonic VLF activity(neuroendocrinal, temperature regulation) less sympathovagal balance LF/HF and higher parasympathetic activity (p>.05).Resting Nonlinear HRV showed higher vagosympathetic balance SD1/SD2, higher parasympathetic activity, higher sympathetic activity, higher HRV Triangular index, higher TINN (approximate total power) in comparison to non exercise group(P>.05). in conclusion the One hour of Sports intervention ,decreased State Anxiety ,significantly decreased Resting Heart Rate this indicate an economic functioning of heart and increased Heart Rate Variability this indicates a good interplay or modulation between parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous system. Study also reflected Physiological basis of Anxiety and HRV. Keywords: Sports, State & Trait Anxiety: Heart Rate Variability

Authors and Affiliations

Dr. Manish Parihar, Dr. Amitabh Dube, Dr. Rajeev Yadav, Dr. Munish Agnihotri


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Dr. Manish Parihar, Dr. Amitabh Dube, Dr. Rajeev Yadav, Dr. Munish Agnihotri (2016). Effect of Sports on State and Trait Anxiety & Heart Rate Variability. Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences, 4(3), 966-970. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-371277