Effect of thermal treatment parameters on selected properties of potato chips
Journal Title: Acta Agrophysica - Year 2009, Vol 14, Issue 3
The aim of the conducted investigation was to determine of the effect of different frying temperatures and drying methods (in hot air flow and microwave-convective at 240W, 360W and 480W) on fat content, texture, colour and sensory properties of potato chips. The material for our investigation were potato chips fried in palm oil at the temperature of 155°C and 175°C to 3% of moisture and then post-dried using different methods to a moisture level below 2%. Control sample were potato chips fried to less than 2% moisture. The following parameters were the subject of determination: moisture, fat content, texture – using the Instron 5544 apparatus, colour – by Minolta CR-200 colorimeter, and sensory properties (colour, flavour, taste and texture – according to 1-5 point scale). The investigations proved that application of lower frying temperature and shorter frying time followed by post-drying produced chips with considerably decreased fat content, increased hardness, as well as lighter colour. The worst sensory properties were obtained in chips post-dried in hot air, while the best – in those microwaved at the higher power level.
Authors and Affiliations
Agnieszka Kita, Adam Figiel
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