Effect of trophic, osmotically active and solidifying components of nutrient medium on the direct embryognesis in spring barley anther culture in vitro


Aim. Ambryoidogenesis, or somatic embryogenesis, is known to be the most efficient mode of plant regeneration in plant cell, tissue and organ culture. The investigation was aimed to elucidate effects of trophic and osmogenic components of inductive medium on the frequency of direct embryoidogenesis in spring barley anther culture in vitro and to determine mechanism of morphogenesis improvement coursed by chemically modified starch D-5aM used as a gelling agent instead of agar. Methods. Anthers of DH-line with a high androgenetic capacity were inoculated on inductive media containing N6 macro-, MS micronutrients, organic supplements, maltose or mannitol (0.3 M) and solidified with agar or chemically modified starch. Results. A positive effect of combination of high maltose content and chemically modified starch on the induction and regeneration processes in spring barley anther culture in vitro was confirmed. It was also shown that mannitol didn’t keep any growth or development processes going in barley anther and embryo culture, but at the same time this substance had no toxic effect. Conclusions. In order to achieve a high frequency of induction in spring barley anther culture, it is necessary to use medium containing maltose – a low weight component both with trophic and with osmotic activity. Keywords: Hordeum vulgare L., anther culture in vitro, mannitol, maltose, embryo formation, plant regeneration.

Authors and Affiliations

О. В. Білинська, П. Г. Дульнєв


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How To Cite

О. В. Білинська, П. Г. Дульнєв (2018). Effect of trophic, osmotically active and solidifying components of nutrient medium on the direct embryognesis in spring barley anther culture in vitro. Фактори експериментальної еволюції організмів, 22(), 210-215. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-618759