Effective Use of Generalized Equivalent Uniform Dose-Based Optimization on Dose-Volume Objectives in Volumetric Modulated Arc (VMAT) Radiation Therapy for Prostate Cancer
Journal Title: IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS) - Year 2018, Vol 17, Issue 12
High Energy Radiation causes most damage to the rapidly dividing cells, therefore it is useful in treatment of cancer because tumor cells divide extreme rapidly. (Several mechanisms can be used to deliver radiations to tumor by modern treatment planning systems on the basis of radiation dose planning). The goal of radiation therapy is to deliver a therapeutic radiation dose to target tissue organs while minimizing the risk of normal tissue complications by evaluating biological based 3D treatment planning. The purpose of present work is to study the effective use of equivalent uniform dose (EUD) based optimization in volumetric modulated arc radiation treatment (VMAT) plans by analyzing dose evaluating parameters and comparing with radiobiological parameters of dose - volume (DV) optimization based plans. In current study, the performance of DV - optimization based VMAT plans for 8 prostate cancer patients was done with standard dose - fractionation protocol in Eclipse 13.6 (VMS) treatment planning system where dose distribution were observed inherently non-uniform & then DV-gEUD plans were generated with same TPS version for comparison. All plans were created using the same 6MV Photon beam commissioned for Varian clinac DHX linear accelerator (VMS). The dose response evaluating parameters analyzed included conformity index (CI), homogeneity index (HI), TCP (Tumor Control Probability) and the different dose-volume indices of organs risk (OARs, including bladder, rectum &femoral heads), mean doses& the normal tissue complication probability (NTCP). As a result both plans have no significant changes for the coverage of target volume with conformity & homogeneity indices. However the DV- gEUD plan had the advantage of dose sparing for OARs. In the conclusion, the DVgEUD plans gave superior dosimetric results for the treatment of prostate cancer in terms of PTV coverage & OAR sparing without compromising the homogeneity of dose distribution in the PVT.
Authors and Affiliations
Patnaikuni SK, Jain RR, Saini SM, Chandola RM, Azad SK, Back M, Sinha A, Choudhary V.
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