Effectiveness of teaching downhill skiing to beginners depending on ski length

Journal Title: Antropomotoryka. Journal of Kinesiology and Exercise Sciences - Year 2008, Vol 18, Issue 43


Contemporary teaching of skiing offers up-to-date carving technique by using new methodical approach. The aim of the research is to compare the effectiveness of downhill training on short ski (up to 100 cm) to beginners; on gradually protracting ski (groups A1, A2), and on ski 10–15 cm shorter than the stature (groups B1, B2). We compare the effectiveness of downhill training on the basis of differences in the length of time of instruction necessary to manage the basic stage of ski training; in the quality of technical accomplishment of curves in carving fun park and in the results of final championship in slalom.The research took place in ski school and during ski training of secondary school students. In ski school the group A1 consisted of 19 participants and group B of 20 participants. The secondary school students who took part in the ski training were divided in two groups A2 (9 participants) and B2 (9 participants). During teaching there were used the methodical techniques according to Austrian ski school.Participants of groups A1 and A2 mastered the basic stage of ski teaching in 325 minutes (5 hours 25 min) in average. Participants of groups B1 and B2 mastered the basic stage of ski teaching in 16 hours by using the methodology of teaching skiing on ski 10–15 cm shorter than a stature with the use of snow plow turn. The students – group A2, who were training on short ski, arrived at better average final time: they were 0,92 seconds faster than the students of group B2.The results confirmed higher effectiveness of teaching skiing to beginners on short ski, on gradually protracting ski (groups A1, A2).

Authors and Affiliations

Ivan Čillík , Ľubomír Král


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Ivan Čillík, Ľubomír Král (2008). Effectiveness of teaching downhill skiing to beginners depending on ski length. Antropomotoryka. Journal of Kinesiology and Exercise Sciences, 18(43), 43-49. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-60458