Effectiveness of the Remedial Reading Program on Pupils’ Performance
Journal Title: Psychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journal - Year 2024, Vol 20, Issue 3
The study aimed to determine the effectiveness of the remedial reading program on the reading comprehension of pupils at Sta. Lucia Elementary School. Specifically, this study aimed to verify the effectiveness of the proposed special remedial teaching program in developing the skills in getting from the context, noting details and making inferences. The pre-test/ posttest Time Series Experimental Design was used in the study. Based on the Phil-IRI pre-test results, there were a total of sixty pupils who were identified frustration level of readers which were taken as the subjects out of 204 Grade Four Pupils of Sta. Lucia Elementary School. Thus, remedial programs were provided to help these pupils compensate for the insufficient learning in previous academic setting. The remedial teaching in reading skills was applied to the special group given the special remedial teaching which was four times a week for fifteen minutes in each session (30 Grade IV pupils) on lessons on getting meaning from the context, noting details and making inferences. On the other hand, another group of 30 Grade IV pupils served as the regular group given the regular remedial teaching which was two times a week for thirty minutes in each session. Based on the study conducted, it showed that the reading performance of the students in the control and experimental group in the pre-test did not differ significantly on getting meaning from context, noting details and making inferences. The effectiveness was indicated when the gain scores of both groups taught by program of remedial teaching. However, special group was significantly higher compared the regular group. The Special Remedial Reading Program for Grade four pupils was proven effective in improving the reading comprehension of the children’s reading skill in English since there was a very significant difference between the performances of the two groups after the experiment in favor of the experimental group. The computed mean of the experimental group is almost twice as high as compared to the computed mean of the control group. This indicates that those who underwent to the special remedial reading program had better performance than those who were granted with the regular remedial reading program. The Special Remedial Reading Program was an effective strategy because of the development observed by the pupils. It is suggested that elementary teachers must apply this program especially the special remedial reading session to proliferate its effectiveness and teachers be kept abreast in a new mode of teaching that could maximize pupils’ participation as well as promote Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) to the elementary pupils. Thus, this could make a great foundation in their formative system.
Authors and Affiliations
Lorenza Gigante
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