Efficacy of antifungal action of Textus® dressing

Journal Title: Mikologia Lekarska - Year 2006, Vol 13, Issue 2


Introduction: Skin ulcers create essential therapeutic problem.The most important ulcers' complications are infections, the most often bacterial ones, but Candida albicans constitute quite frequently an etiologic factor as well. Textus® dressing with fixed embedded silver as zeolite is the newest achievement in the field of uleeration treatment. Aim: The aim of study was to evaluate in vitro effectiveness of antifungal action of Textus® dressing. Material and methods: Textus® dressing (BioCELL Biotechnologies GmbH, Germany) was studied in relation to strains: C. albicans, C. glabrata, and C. krusei. The series of reduce concentrations of the initial suspension of yeasts strains in Ringer's liquid were done. 5 suspensions of each strains of following concentrations, in CFU/ml (colonyformingunit), were prepared: C. albicans l*107,8*105,4.8*105,5.1*104,2*103, C. glabrata 6*106,2.9*106, 7x105,2*105,3x103, c. krusei 5*105,3xios, 9.5*104,2.5*104, 7x103. The rectangularfragments of Textus® dressing (3*2 mm) were used for investigation. All of them were covered with 60 ul of suspension of indivi-dual strains and incubated in the Eppendorf’s tubes. Suspensions of strains of the same concentrations (controls) and the fragments of dressing soaked earlier with suspensions of yeasts were incubated for 5 days in 37°C. In the next step 1 ul of strains' suspensions incubated with Textus® and appropriate controls were inoculated on solid Sabouraud's medium. Additionally the whole fragments of Textus® dressing, which were before soaked with yeast’s suspension were also placed on medium. Results: Textus® dressing implanted with suspension of C. albicans in concentration of 107 CFU/ml reduced growth of yeasts in 90%. But in concentrations of 8*105, 4.8*105, 5.1x104, 2*103 CFU/ml inhibited their growth entirely. Similarly in reference to C. glabrata concentration 6*106 CFU/ml inhibited growth of yeasts, but already at the lower concentrations (till 2.9*106 CFU/ml) it turned out entirely effective. At the highest studied concentration of C. krusei (5*105 CFU/ml) Textus® eliminated yeasts. Conclusions: Efficacy of antifungal action of Textus® dressing was proven in vitro. The new method of effective elimination of bacteria and yeasts, which are present in ulcers, has a great importance in therapy.

Authors and Affiliations

Rafał Białynicki-Birula, Urszula Nawrot, Eugeniusz Baran, Katarzyna Włodarczyk, Tomasz Kołodziej


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How To Cite

Rafał Białynicki-Birula, Urszula Nawrot, Eugeniusz Baran, Katarzyna Włodarczyk, Tomasz Kołodziej (2006). Efficacy of antifungal action of Textus® dressing. Mikologia Lekarska, 13(2), 143-147. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-82480