Efficiency of normative activity of polish and ukrainian faction of Galician regional seim: comparative analysis
Journal Title: Науково-інформаційний вісник Івано-Франківського університету права імені Короля Данила Галицького: Журнал. Серія Право. - Year 2018, Vol 2, Issue 6
Goal. A comparative analysis of the effectiveness of normative activities of the Polish and Ukrainian factions of the Galician Regional Sejm and the definition of factors influencing it. Method. During the study to study the functioning of the factions of the Galician Sejm, the historical and legal method was used, and the comparative legal method allowed to reveal the peculiarities of the legislative activity of the Polish and Ukrainian factions of the Sejm. Results. It was established that the indicator of the effectiveness of legislative activity of deputies of the Galician Regional Sejm was expressed in the willingness of voters to vote for candidates for deputies. The decrease in the number of Ukrainian deputies was conditioned by a number of reasons: electoral abuses, the opposition of the Poles, inter-party confrontation within the Diet, disappointment of voters in the capabilities of Ukrainian deputies. Despite this, Ukrainian deputies tried to implement a number of projects to improve the situation of Galician Ukrainians, especially in the field of education and language. Instead, the Polish faction of the Galician Regional Sejm was marked by a quantitative advantage, but at the same time lack of discipline and ideological differences. Scientific novelty. The factors that influenced the effectiveness of the legislative activity of the factions of the Galician Regional Sejm were identified. Practical significance. Studying the rule-making activity of the factions of the Galician Sejm in the context of effectiveness will allow using their experience and achievements for the development of national legislation and state-building.
Authors and Affiliations
В. В. Євдокимов
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