Efficient Anonymity Profile Comparison Techniques To Filter Unwanted Messages From OSN User Walls


Social networking creates digital communication technologieshone tools for make bigger the social ring of people.It has by nowturned intoasignificant integral part of our dailylives;allow us to contact our friends and families on time. It is hopefulthat the conventional solutions can be more extended to answerthe MSN problems by allowing for the unique social features.Privacy preservation is a momentous research issue in socialnetworking. Since more tailored information is sharedwith the public, disobey the solitude of a target user becomemuch easier. Wefirst advise an explicit Comparison-based Profile Matchingprotocol (eCPM) which runs among two parties, an initiatorand a responder. The eCPM facilitate the initiator to attain thecomparison-based matching outcome about a specified attributein their profiles, while avoid their attribute values fromconfession. Weafter that propose an implicit Comparison-based ProfileMatching protocol (iCPM) which allows the initiator to straightobtain some messages as an alternative of the judgment result fromthe responder.

Authors and Affiliations

V. S. N. Murthy, K. Kishore Raju


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V. S. N. Murthy, K. Kishore Raju (2015). Efficient Anonymity Profile Comparison Techniques To Filter Unwanted Messages From OSN User Walls. International Journal of Research in Computer and Communication Technology, 4(8), -. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-28219