The text is a synthetic description of Edward Pasewicz’s poetic work, which is included within the “plan for a somatic criticism.” The key operational concept used to describe this poetry is rhythm, which spreads out on...
The text treats about dilemmas of queer studies within which such individual projects as the queer movement timing at deessentialization of the category of identity and LGTB realizing emancipation strategy are enclosed....
The subject-matter of the work is letters and epilogues in Gesta by the so called Gallus Anonymus, especially topics they present. The author builds a multi-coloured series of topics on the basis of his own cultural awar...
The article discusses circumstances surrounding Donat Kirsch’s debut (Liście croatoan, 1977) and presents various critical responses to the novel. A special attention is given to Jerzy Sosnowski who “demonized” Liście cr...
A review of Adam Dziadek’s Projekt krytyki somatycznej (2014) [Plan for a Somatic Criricism]. The author emphasises originality of Dziadek’s conception, which combines certain structuralist and poststructuralist elements...
Słuchanie jako doświadczenie somatyczne. O wierszach Edwarda Pasewicza
The text is a synthetic description of Edward Pasewicz’s poetic work, which is included within the “plan for a somatic criticism.” The key operational concept used to describe this poetry is rhythm, which spreads out on...
Dylematy queer
The text treats about dilemmas of queer studies within which such individual projects as the queer movement timing at deessentialization of the category of identity and LGTB realizing emancipation strategy are enclosed....
Galla Anonima causae scribendi
The subject-matter of the work is letters and epilogues in Gesta by the so called Gallus Anonymus, especially topics they present. The author builds a multi-coloured series of topics on the basis of his own cultural awar...
O czym liście szumiały. W czterdziestą rocznicę debiutu Donata Kirscha
The article discusses circumstances surrounding Donat Kirsch’s debut (Liście croatoan, 1977) and presents various critical responses to the novel. A special attention is given to Jerzy Sosnowski who “demonized” Liście cr...
Tekst ciała, ciało tekstu
A review of Adam Dziadek’s Projekt krytyki somatycznej (2014) [Plan for a Somatic Criricism]. The author emphasises originality of Dziadek’s conception, which combines certain structuralist and poststructuralist elements...