
У статті досліджено основні торговельно-економічні аспекти підписаною Україною з Європейським Союзом Угодою про Асоціацію, проаналізовано можливі наслідки та ризики для економіки України в результаті провадження основних положень та обов’язків передбачених Угодою. In the article the main trade and economic aspects of Ukraine signed the European Union Association Agreement, analyzed the consequences and risks for the economy of Ukraine as a result of the proceedings of the main provisions and obligations under the Agreement. Determined that in recent years the share of EU countries is on average about 28% and 29% of total exports of goods and services and the Ukraine respectively 35% and 53% of total imports of services. A serious problem in collaboration with the EU Ukraine is the imbalance in the structure of exports and imports of value-added, because Ukraine is mainly exporter of lower levels of processing, which are the most sensitive to changes in prices on world markets. Instead, the structure of import of goods Ukraine and the EU is more diversified with a predominance of products with higher added value. Determined that the commitments that Ukraine has undertaken in the framework of the signed Agreement with the European Union, covering the following issues: commodity markets and access to them (national treatment and market access, recognition compliance, protection of trade, the use of technical barriers to the use of sanitary and phyto-sanitary measures, customs and trade facilitation); liberalization of services markets (establishment of business, trade and e-commerce services, current payments and movement of capital); trade rules (customs rules and trade facilitation, rules of public procurement, intellectual property protection, competition, transparency, settlement of issues related to energy trade, the impact of trade on sustainable development, dispute resolution mechanisms and dispute mediation mechanisms). In terms of the onset consequences for the economy of Ukraine and the potential benefits for local producers can be divided into those whose impact is expected in the short and long term. It was determined that the implementation of agreements in force due to the enhanced agreement to create a free trade zone between Ukraine and the EU in the short term due mainly to the reduction in tariff protection of markets of Ukraine and the EU, providing free access to more economic operators to market certain goods that the least protected non-tariff barriers, which are the main obstacles to foreign trade in our country. Increasing competitive pressure from foreign companies creates risks for the economy of Ukraine related to the decrease in production with products including high value added. The process of adaptation to new standards in the production and sale of trade cooperation will be accompanied by higher costs of renovation and modernization, but it is these changes in the long term will improve the competitiveness of products of national production and the growth of its exports to European markets.

Authors and Affiliations

N. Balabanova


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N. Balabanova (2016). ЕКОНОМІЧНІ НАСЛІДКИ СТВОРЕННЯ ЗОНИ ВІЛЬНОЇ ТОРГІВЛІ МІЖ УКРАЇНОЮ ТА ЄС. Вісник Маріупольського державного університету.Серія: Економіка, 6(12), 134-142. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-427191