Journal Title: Вісник Маріупольського державного університету.Серія: Економіка - Year 2018, Vol 8, Issue 16
У даній статті проведений аналіз сучасного стану металургійної галузі України і досліджено фактори, що негативно впливають на неї. Розглянуто можливості подальшого підвищення ефективності діяльності підприємств галузі. Визначено, які заходи необхідно проводити для підвищення конкурентоспроможності підприємств та їхньої продукції, як одного з факторів підвищення ефективності виробництва. The article analyzes the current state of metallurgical industry in Ukraine. The importance of this branch for the further development of the Ukrainian economy is determined. The main problems of the metallurgical industry from the standpoint of different authors are considered. A number of factors that negatively influence the development of the metallurgical industry are studied. The main competitive advantages of domestic metallurgical enterprises in the world markets are revealed. The possibilities of further improvement of the activity of enterprises of the industry are considered. The problems of modernization of the metallurgical industry of Ukraine are analyzed in order to increase the competitiveness of metal products on the domestic and foreign commodity markets. Modern tendencies of further globalization are characterized by the growth of competition in world markets. Competitiveness of any enterprise is primarily determined by the innovative nature of its development. Metallurgy is one of the key industries in the country's economy. It is precisely this sector that provides industrial development in general. It is determined that energy intensity is one of the main factors that reduces the competitiveness of domestic metal products, because the energy efficiency issue is now particularly acute in our country. High levels of electricity use are observed in steelmaking. Reducing energy intensity can be achieved through the use of secondary energy resources of metallurgical production - gaseous waste coke, blast furnace and converter production. In conditions of unfavorable dynamics of the innovative level of production of domestic metallurgical enterprises, their export orientation as the main factor affecting the main financial and production indicators are prices on the world market for metal products. With the help of various methods of conducting the analysis, it can be said that exactly world prices have a significant impact on the main performance indicators of enterprises. At low prices in the world market, domestic enterprises have some advantages over the main competitors. Low productivity in comparison with other countries also reduces the competitiveness of metallurgical enterprises. One of the most important problems of domestic metallurgical enterprises is the high level of deterioration of the main production assets. The main investments were directed at the completion of the construction of new facilities, reconstruction and modernization of existing capacities. The priorities of modernization connected with introduction of high-tech industries, reduction of energy intensity of production are investigated.
Authors and Affiliations
М. Дж. Крамчанінова, С. Є. Севастьянов
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