Маркетингова технологія формування лояльності споживачів на ринку туристичних послуг


Розкрито сутність лояльності споживачів як домінантної метрики маркетингової взаємодії туристичних підприємств зі споживачами, досліджено процес формування лояльності споживачів на ринку туристичних послуг, обґрунтовано методичний підхід до сегментації цільового ринку на основі RFM-аналізу. Article is devoted to a deepening of approaches on development of marketing technology customers loyalty formation in the market of tourist services. It is proved that, the marketing technology of customers loyalty formation appears the important tool of the concept of marketing interaction, which the modern tourist enterprises seek to use with the aim of competitiveness and sustainable marketing development. Process of customers loyalty formation in the sphere of tourist services and its tools is investigated. The loyalty program based on the systems concept and directed to loyalty formation of the selected target group of customers for the purpose of creation and support with them the long-term relations is described. A comprehensive approach to the segmentation of the target market to tourism enterprises based on RFM variables, the showed postulates of consumer behavior and allowing to form three segmented zones (sleeping consumers, usual active consumers, loyal consumers) is offered. Factors that significantly influence the increase in consumer loyalty are identified and analyzed. At the same time, the identification and ranking of the reasons why consumers choose a tourist company and a tourist offer are made for each particular segment area. A differentiated loyalty program was developed on the basis of the following marketing activities: setting the program objectives (quantitative, image, etc.); implementation of a complex of differentiated marketing activities for each segment zone (promotions, contests, bonuses, etc.); development of proposals for advertising support of the loyalty program to ensure awareness of the maximum number of consumers (updating information on the company's website, etc.); the development of a mechanism for the functioning of the program (the formation of the program budget, the development of a schedule of interaction with consumers in the format of the client base, the organization of the accounting system, the organization of feedback with consumers in order to assess their response to program activities, develop proposals for improving the loyalty program, if necessary, etc. ).

Authors and Affiliations

A. Balabanyts, V. Matsuka


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How To Cite

A. Balabanyts, V. Matsuka (2017). Маркетингова технологія формування лояльності споживачів на ринку туристичних послуг. Вісник Маріупольського державного університету.Серія: Економіка, 7(14), 177-187. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-427607