Journal Title: Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Філософія, культурологія, соціологія - Year 2016, Vol 6, Issue 12
У статті на основі аналізу існуючих підходів до трактування професійноетичної культури узагальнено значення у професійній діяльності соціального педагога системи морально-етичних цінностей та поточено її сутність. Аналізуються провідні дефініції професійно-етичної культури фахівця. Схарактеризовано важливі складові професійно-етичної культури соціального педагога. The changes that are taking place in social, political, economic and cultural spheres led to degradation of existing values and emergence of new problems in social life. In this regard, in terms of reduction of standards of living among most of the population, its actual poverty, rise of juvenile crime, drug abuse, increasing social tensions, rising count of abandoned children in need of special attention require new forms and methods of cooperation between social workers in the first place. In this publication we have complemented to and specified the definitions of professional and ethical culture of a social teacher, we revealed the importance in professional activity of social workers, stressing thereby that the sphere of a social teacher is a zone of trust between people, therefore an expert should not only be a good specialist but also should possess a high level of professional and ethical culture. In this publication we interpret the professional and ethical culture of a social teacher as a system of professional and moral values that have become internal beliefs of an individual. Professional and ethical culture of a social teacher implemented in the social and educational activities, interaction and communication and through attitude to the participants of this activity. Development of professional and ethical culture is affected by a number of factors, including a special emphasis on the cultural and moral level of society, its historical peculiarities and features of professional environment. The article analyzes three levels of professional and ethical culture: an adaptive level (characterized by the fact that the values of the profession are not for the person who carries out social and educational work (or preparing to become a social educator) personal moral principles); a conscious level of professional and ethical culture of a social teacher (a teacher comes to social awareness of the need to follow in their behavior to certain rules and regulations that are due to the understanding of the goals, objectives and values of the profession); a creative level professional and ethical culture of a social teacher (characterized by a high degree of similarity personal hierarchy of values of social pedagogy in content and priorities of the regulatory system of professional and ethical values). So, the study is an attempt to summarize the characteristics and requirements of professional and ethical culture of a social teacher whose implementation requires specialist altruism, formation of internal belief, the high level of social and pedagogical knowledge and technologies.
Authors and Affiliations
Oksana Sarnavska, Tatiana Yakovishin
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