
У статті розглядається вплив позамовних факторів (прогрес у науці та техніці, розвиток суспільних ідей, окремі історичні події, різни форми контактів з іншими націями) на поповнення фразеологічного фонду німецької мови ХХ століття. The development of phraseological stock is determined both by linguistic and extraliguistic factors. This article focuses on revealing the influence of extraliguistic factors on the innovative processes that indicate the enrichment of German phraseological stock of the 20th century. In order to trace the numerous sources of German phraseology of the 20th century the research work goes beyond synchronic approach into diachronic as well as history, sociology, etc. The scientific-technical revolution, development of social ideas, historical events (the First and the Second World Wars), and different contacts with other nations were the most important sources of development of the German idiomatic stock in the diachronic aspect. Scientific and technical progress in combination with improved quality of education provided such a tendency in German as intellectualization, in phraseology this trend found its expression in idioms stemmed from professional slang (e.g.: das ist meine Blutgruppe = this is my blood type = that suits me, from medical slang) and literature sources (leergebrannt ist die Stätte = something is absolutely empty, deserted, an ironic quotation of Schiller). Changing of life style (e. g., increased role of sport) also resulted in origin of new phraseological units (e.g.: ins eigene Tor schießen = to shoot into one’s own goal). The author distinguishes between new phraseological formations (phraseological units used to describe new concepts, e.g.: genialer Dummkopf = computer) and phraseological neologisms (phraseological units new for some period of language used to describe expressively long existing concepts, e.g.: die Batterie aufladen = to have some rest). The author also goes into details on phraseological units derived from historical events and reveals their peculiarities in comparison with other German phraseological neologisms and new phraselogical formations of the 20th century. German phraseological units based on historical events are considered to demonstrate high level of instability: some of them disappear from the language as soon as historical event loses its actuality (dicke Bertha = gun at the First World War), others move from the common core to the periphery of the language, building group of archaisms (eiserne Kuh = milk in a tin can). The author finds connection between such extralinguistic factor as contacts with other nations and foreign borrowings. Promising direction of the research is finding out the connections between linguistic factors and the enrichment of phraseological stock.

Authors and Affiliations

Natalia Makhonina


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Natalia Makhonina (2017). ЕКСТРАЛІНГВАЛЬНІ ФАКТОРИ ПОПОВНЕННЯ ФРАЗЕОЛОГІЧНОГО ФОНДУ НІМЕЦЬКОЇ МОВИ ХХ СТОЛІТТЯ. Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Філологія, 10(16), 97-103. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-432193