
У статті проаналізовано такі граматичні категорії, як час і вид в українській і фінській мовах в їхньому співвідношенні з функціонально-семантичною категорією аспектуальності. Визначено і схарактеризовано 5 класів аспектуальних дієслів в українській мові і виявлено їхні умовні відповідники у фінській мові. Установлено відмінності у граматичній категоризації аспектуальності у зіставлюваних мовах як термінологічно, так і онтологічно. The ways of expression of the grammar category of aspect in the Finnish and the Ukrainian languages differ a lot. The category of aspect is a difficult and complicated grammar category that is represented in both Finnish and Ukrainian. This category has been studied by such linguists as Bondarko, Maslov, Mustajoki, Zelenko and others. The main problem of research is that comparable languages belong to different language families, so their grammar systems differ estimably. Despite this, the article describes what the differences in the ways of expression of grammar aspect in these languages and what the differences in the meanings that belong to the field of aspect are. The article explains what the category aspect is. The general and widespread theory in aspectology is a Two-component theory, initiated by Russian linguist Maslov (Маslov, 1965). The first component of the grammar category of aspect is aspect itself, which includes imperfective and perfective aspect. The second component includes 'hidden'-grammar categories such as, for example, habitual aspect or progressive aspect (Kalko, 2009). The article explains what the perfective or imperfective verbs in the Ukrainian language are and how they are formed. In the Ukrainian language verbs themselves are either perfective or imperfective. Perfective verbs are mostly formed from imperfective verbs by addition of prefixes. Other aspectual meanings are also expressed by addition of prefixes to verbs. The article also describes what in the Finnish language telicity is, and what the telic and the atelic sentences mean. Telicity is expressed not by the verb but by the whole sentence. The telic sentence means that the goal is achieved and there is some result, while, the atelic sentence does not identify whether the goal is achieved. It can also mean that the action is in progress. The article shows how aspectual meaning of the sentence in the Finnish language is expressed by the case of object and what two objective cases in the Finnish language are. The article explains how other aspectual meanings in Finnish can be expressed by suffixes. So, grammatically aspectual meaning of the sentence in the Finnish language is expressed by the objective cases. There are two objective cases in the Finnish language – partitive and accusative. Accusative object in sentence means that the sentence is telic and partitive object means that the sentence is atelic. Other aspectual meanings in Finnish can be expressed by suffixes. For example, suffix -ele- usually means repeatable action (nauraa means 'to laugh', naureskella (naureskele-) means 'to laugh repeatedly', oppia – opiskella, katsoa – katsella). The article compares the aspectual types of verbs in the Ukrainian and Finnish languages. As a result, the article singles out the differences and similarities in the grammar ways of expression of the category of aspect in the Finnish and Ukrainian languages as well as it dwells on the differences and similarities in the meanings that belong to this category. Consequently, the ways of expression of grammar aspect in Finnish and Ukrainian languages are different but there are some similar features. First of all, both the Ukrainian and the Finnish languages have two aspects. In Ukrainian these are perfective and imperfective, in Finnish these are telic and atelic. Secondly, either in Finnish language or in Ukrainian language there are 'hidden'-grammar categories such as frequency, progressivety and habituality. Despite this, the ways of expression of aspect are different. In Ukrainian language aspectual meaning is usually expressed by prefixes, in Finnish it is usually expressed outside the verb by the objective cases. Notwithstanding this significant differences, some aspectual meanings in Finnish are expressed by the means of derivation, by addition of suffixes with aspectual meanings to verbs.

Authors and Affiliations

Anna Shulga


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Anna Shulga (2018). ГРАМАТИЧНА КАТЕГОРИЗАЦІЯ АСПЕКТУАЛЬНОСТІ В УКРАЇНСЬКІЙ ТА ФІНСЬКІЙ МОВАХ. Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Філологія, 11(18), 342-349. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-514841