
У статті надається цілісне уявлення про символ як певну смислову категорію. Розглядається символ в мові як складова культурно-історичного розвитку людства, пов’язаного з мовою, світоглядом, пізнанням світу. The article presents comprehensive concept of the symbol as a kind of notional category. The author considers the symbol in the language as a constituent of the mankind’s cultural and historical development in terms of language, world outlook and cognition of the world. Symbolic words reflect the peculiarities of culture: history, traditions and customs of a particular ethnic community. A characteristic feature of the symbol is the meaning being primarily motivated through background knowledge, whereas functioning in speech is possible only provided there is some background knowledge. It is also noteworthy that the symbol is traditionally viewed as a category of semantics having an external expression (phonic, graphic or kinetic) and associated with a particular thing in speech (denotation) and in concepts (signification). The mythological stage of the world outlook envisages undivided equivalence of the symbolic form and its meaning, which excludes every kind of reflection above the symbol. Like a symbol, a myth is a historically predetermined type of social awareness, a non-critically perceived meaning and one of the possible meanings which is stronger than the real world. The semantics of symbols is multilayered; therefore it will be insufficient to confine them to a definition, since behind that definition there is also a symbol. Thus, a symbol has a special logic of its content’s expansion. Should it lose this endless notional prospect, it is ruined. Renovation of the symbol is possible provided its image transformation and repeated interpretation occurs in another field of culture. Researchers of literature qualify the symbol in arts as an aesthetic category whose content is revealed by means of comparing it with such allied categories as image, sign and allegory. The symbol is not just a stylistic category. It is also a constituent of the mankind’s cultural and historical development in terms of language, world outlook and cognition of the world. The symbol itself is not only a linguistic and mythological phenomenon. Thus, one can make a conclusion that the language is the genetic code of the nation which combines the past with the present and is directed to the future. Therefore, any fragment of the language picture of the world reflected in ethnic consciousness enters a range of constant associative connections and in being re-evaluated, is transformed into a stereotypic image. Thus, external associations of an ethnic group become spiritual essence of its language.

Authors and Affiliations

Natalia Коbylenko


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Natalia Коbylenko (2017). ПРОБЛЕМА ВИВЧЕННЯ СИМВОЛІВ У МОВІ. Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Філологія, 10(17), 138-142. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-433301