
У статті на прикладі новелістики Євгенії Кононенко простежується проблема реалізації автора в художньому творі. Особлива увага зосереджена на формах виявлення авторської свідомості та шляхах її репрезентації. Виявлено особливості суб’єктної організації художніх текстів, закономірності побудови та розгортання оповіді залежно від типу наратора. Доводиться, що епічний твір являє собою гетерогенне множинне утворення, яке постає поліфонічною структурою, що може включати в себе певну кількість голосів або планів, які групуються навколо образу автора. The article is focused on determination and analysis of the textual category of narrator in the novels of Yevheniya Kononenko. The narrative point of view or narrative perspective that describes the position of the narrator in relation to the story was investigated. The forms of revealing the author's consciousness and the ways of its representation have been regarded. The author creates the effect of polyphony. The readers, while reading the text, are identifying various views with various personages, without attributing them directly to the writer. It was explored that the writer’s views and emotions are explicitly expressed in the author’s speech (or in the author’s narrative). The plot is unfolding in author’s narrative, the personages are given author’s characteristics, the time and the place of actions are also described here in the author`s vising. The author’s narrative in «Three Worlds» supplies the reader with direct information about the author’s preferences and objections, beliefs and contradictions, serves the major source of shaping up the author’s image. The writer himself hides behind the figure of the narrator and presents all the events of the story from the narrator’s point of view and only sporadically emerges in the narrative with his own considerations which can reinforce or contradict those expressed by the narrator. It is proved that the prosaic literary text is a heterogeneous formation with a polyphonic structure, which can include a certain number of voices or plans that are grouped around the author's image. In the short stories «Three Worlds» Eugenia Kononenko uses various forms of narration. The author's strategy of the subject organization is realized primarily by the first-person narrator and the third-person narrator. The author either completely removes the narrator from the text, or embeds him into hero`s consciousness. In the power field of author attention actual problems of public life are analised: gender inequality, social class inequality, marriage with a foreigner, patriarchal stereotypes. The article explores simulation of images of the author in the fiction by Yevheniya Kononenko. The author’s communication strategy is included in the gender identity of the narrator. The own model of the narrator is created: she is a progressive woman who strives for education and professional fulfillment. Ironic narrative determines the world view of the author who dispelled myths of a patriarchal society.

Authors and Affiliations

Vira Prosalova, Yuliya Nikonenko


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How To Cite

Vira Prosalova, Yuliya Nikonenko (2017). СУБ’ЄКТНА ОРГАНІЗАЦІЯ ЗБІРКИ НОВЕЛ ЄВГЕНІЇ КОНОНЕНКО «ТРИ СВІТИ». Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Філологія, 10(17), 75-80. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-432882