Journal Title: Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Філологія - Year 2016, Vol 9, Issue 15
Стаття є спробою реконструкції особливостей моделювання образу батька в автобіографічному наративі І. Франка. Показано, що спогадовий простір конституюється як послідовна автонараційна практика, осердя якої становлять (ре)конструкційні та ідентифікаційні процеси, пов’язані із розмаїтими презентаціями образу батька як великої семантичної фігури. The article deals with a reconstruction of the specific of father image modeling in Ivan Franko’s autobiographical narration. The aim of this study is a revealing of reminiscing space as dynamic self-narrative practice with the image of the father as central semantic figure. The article gives a detailed analysis of deep semantic structure of autobiographical artistic works by Ivan Franko. The article stress on such examples of writer’s short artistic prose as: «Small Myron», «Pencil», «Schönschreiben», «Father humorist», «Mustard seed», «Borys Grab», «Mykytych’s oak», «In the smithy», «On hayloft», «My crime», «In carpentry» and poems: «History of piece of salt», «Saint Valenty», «Lord’s jokes». Autobiographical narrative plays a great role in semiosphere of Ivan Franko’s Text. It’s supposed that the analysis of the father image as a hero of self-narrative practice allows to understand the specific of father-son relations as the space of spiritual identification and symbolic autobiography. In his letter to Vasyl Davydyak Ivan Franko wrote about his verse «Easter». The first verse which was dedicated to Yakiv Franko, the poet’s father. The verse was not preserved, but Ivan Franko promised to wrote about this theme again. Father's image appeared in poems «History of piece of salt», «Saint Valenty», «Lord’s jokes». In these texts the image of the father represented in different – explicit and implicit – ways: as remembered image («History of piece of salt»), as narrator («Lord’s jokes»), and as a metaphoric representation of father’s heart «Saint Valenty». The image of the father is also represented as the central semantic figure in Ivan Franko’s autobiographical prose. In semiosphera of short autobiographical texts personal myth is created as triadic anthropological – topographical – axiological structure. The anthropology dimension is represented by figural system which consist of some key great semantic figure – father, mother, and son. Another dimension – topographical – is represented by several space circles holding each other. In the center of this circular space construction the family house is situated. Another spatial structure are represented by smithy, garden, and forest. Particular semantic dimension belong to the space of male’s narration which take place in father’s smithy. The reminiscing self/narrator pays great attention to this dimension, especially to those which is represented by father’s parables. The article underlines that the image of the father is constitutive element of inner symbolic autobiography and the space of spiritual identification. This semantic figure provides a system of personal values and behavior strategies. From the temporal perspective remembering self/narrator can understand deeper the sense of father’s figure in self-building processes.
Authors and Affiliations
Viktoria Durkalevych
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