
У статті розглянуто поняття та види реалій, досліджено функції реалій у художньому тексті у соціолінгвістичному аспекті. Подано аналіз реалій як засобу вираження соціальної приналежності головного героя на прикладі повісті А. К. Дойла «Пригоди Шерлока Холмса». Висвітлено особливості детективного жанру та роль національно-культурної лексики у відтворенні особливостей англійської культури та соціального устрою суспільства. The article deals with the concept and types of realia, functions of realia in fiction in the sociolinguistic aspect are investigated. The analysis of realia as a means of expression of the social belonging of the protagonist is based on the example of detective novel «The adventures of Sherlock Holmes» by A. C. Doyle. The peculiarities of the detective genre and the role of national-cultural lexis in reproduction of characteristics of the English culture and social structure of society are highlighted. As it is known, English people are very traditional and pay much attention to the social background. They strictly differ if the person is of low, middle or upper class and there are many factors, which help to indicate it. In this novel the author says nothing about the biography and childhood of Sherlock Holmes, which could help us to tell exactly whether he is a real blue blood man or just working class man but he tells a lot about the lifestyle, behaviour and manners of Sherlock. It is just enough to know the English culture which is mostly expressed through the culture-bound terms. Realia or culture-bound terms are used in every language and indicate the cultural aspect of nation. It has been investigated many times by different scientists but still there is no single opinion about its definition. A lot of classifications were created, they have some differences but in general their structure is rather similar. Culture-bound terms cover such things as the way of life of a particular nation, toponyms, social and political and also cultural realia. All this is observed in the stories about Sherlock Holmes. The most often lifestyle realia are used in the novel, they are expressed through behaviour, clothes, requests, manners, food and other things, which are inherent to everyday life of Sherlock Holmes. Having knowledge about English culture in XIX century, it could be assumed that the protagonist is far from the poor, illiterate man, he appears as an intelligent, prudent and very smart person, who belongs to the upper class society. There are also a lot of geographical realia, the main of which indicate social belonging of Sherlock – his home address, Baker Street, the place of living only for the rich people. Social and political realia are an integral part of the novel as it is caused by profession of Sherlock Holmes. The author gives many names of political and legislation structures of Great Britain. Its connection with Sherlock automatically lifts his social status, as he was known by law enforcement authorities in every town of England and collaborated only with the renown police station called Scotland Yard, Cultural realia can say a lot about person and many of them were used in the novel, especially the titles of English mass media but unfortunately, such terms which would show social belonging of Sherlock Holmes were not revealed. Knowing the meaning of such words will give the opportunity to understand the mentality of the nation, in this case the English people, and get a more precise picture of the social status of Sherlock.

Authors and Affiliations

Яна Гаврилівна Тікан, Олена Валеріївна Давидова


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Яна Гаврилівна Тікан, Олена Валеріївна Давидова (2018). РЕАЛІЇ ЯК ЗАСІБ ВИРАЖЕННЯ СОЦІАЛЬНОЇ ПРИНАЛЕЖНОСТІ ГЕРОЯ (НА ПРИКЛАДІ ДЕТЕКТИВНОЇ ПОВІСТІ А. К. ДОЙЛА «ПРИГОДИ ШЕРЛОКА ХОЛМСА»). Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Філологія, 11(19), 338-345. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-571371