Ektopowe wyrzynanie pierwszych stałych trzonowców – przegląd piśmiennictwa oraz prezentacja własnych przypadków
Journal Title: Forum Ortodontyczne - Year 2016, Vol 12, Issue 3
Authors and Affiliations
Katarzyna Becker, Anna Greń, Agnieszka Srebrzyńska-Witek, Mariusz Świerk
Comparison of dental archwidths in patients qualified for orthodontic treatment sixty years ago and present
Introduction. The human dentition undergoes morphological and functional changes throughout each person’s life. Environmental factors on the width of dental arches, as well as the facial morphology is still a cause of n...
A comparison of accurancy in bracket positioning between two techniques – localizing the centre of clinical crown and measuring the distance from the incisal edge
Orthodontic traction of impacted upper incisors by means of rigid fixed appliance in the patient with cleidocranial dysplasia CCD
Cleidocranial dysplasia is a rare disturbance inherited in an autosomal dominant manner with changeable expression or it is the effect of a de novo mutation. The symptoms are related to mutation of RUNX2 (CBFA1) gene, wh...
Assessment of the incidence of malocclusions among 10-11-year-old children in primary schools in Sopot
Apart from dental caries and periodontal diseases malocclusions are a common health problem in the population of children and adolescents. They may be a reason for psychosocial problems (associated with facial and dental...
Wskazania do ekstrakcji kłów stałych szczęki – przegląd piśmiennictwa
Ortodontyczne wprowadzanie kła szczęki do łuku zębowego może stanowić wyzwanie terapeutyczne i każdorazowo wymaga szczegółowej analizy przypadku oraz oceny możliwości leczniczych, łącznie z podjęciem trudnej decyzji o je...