El reto afectivo de la investigación interdisciplinar
Journal Title: Scientia et Fides - Year 2016, Vol 4, Issue 2
The affective challenge of interdisciplinary research In this paper I analyze the affective problem related to interdisciplinary research using, as a guiding theme, some of my autobiographical memories linked to Mariano Artigas. Starting from a theory of feelings that connects emotions closely to reasons, I defend that many problems in developing interdisciplinary research are caused by the current divorce reason/emotion in which many researchers are educated. Secondly, I identify three types of feelings in a hierarchical relationship, whose scope may be very extensive, in my opinion, for the good performance of interdisciplinary dynamic: eureka excitement, narrative catharsis, and ecstatic experience. In the last part of my paper, I offer some suggestions on how to return feelings to academic domains and, at the same time, keeping sources of funding, and avoiding present evils as commoditization of knowledge and students, clientelism, and cynicism.
Authors and Affiliations
Luis E. Echarte Alonso
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