Elaboration of psychodiagnostic tools for assessing the level of development of professionally important socio-psychological characteristics of a specialist in pharmacy
Journal Title: Соціальна фармація в охороні здоров’я - Year 2018, Vol 4, Issue 4
Aim. To select tests that will allow assessing the level of development of socio-psychological characteristics (SPChs) of specialists in pharmacy. Materials and methods. The methods of expert evaluations, analytical, comparative and logical methods were used. Practical psychologist and professionals specializing in the staff recruitment for pharmaceutical institutions took part in the survey. The results of the expert survey are convergent, the degree of consistency of expert representations is high, and it is confirmed by the coefficient of concordance, which is equal to 0.826. The actual value of the Pearson criterion is considerably greater than the table one (χ2f > χ2tabl). Results. On the basis of the research conducted it has been found that for selection of specialists in pharmacy and determination of their SPChs the following methods are more often used abroad: survey with the subsequent interviewing; qualification with the subsequent interviewing; testing and / or interviewing; testing for professional competence with the practical examination. Due to the algorithm for selection of tests for the evaluation of professionally important SPChs of specialists in pharmacy the final list of psychodiagnostic testing methods of pharmacy specialists was formed. It included Questionnaire (16PF) by Raymond B. Cattell, Stambulova’s method, “Vocabulary Labyrinth” method, questionnaire for determining the level of self-esteem, V. Boyko’s diagnostic method for communicative attitude, as well as the assessment of communicative and organizational inclinations in the process of communication. Conclusions. The methods of psychodiagnostic testing proposed can assess the level of development of socio-psychological characteristics of a specialist in pharmacy.
Authors and Affiliations
M. I. Harkusha, R. V. Sahaidak-Nikitiuk, N. V. Аlekhina, H. А. Gretska
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