Electrical bioimpedance analysis application in clinical and population trials
Journal Title: Rehabilitacja Medyczna - Year 2012, Vol 16, Issue 2
The study of body composition is a method to determine the content of fat mass, lean mass, muscular and cellular and extracellular water in humans. It plays an important role in the assessment of body composition in states such as improper nutrition: obesity, starvation, cachexia, and in many diseases in which there are invalid content ranges for the individual components of the body, especially when accompanied by changes in the content of muscle tissue and fat and body water. In this paper the theoretical assumptions, techniques, and selected examples of clinical and population trails using the analysis electrical bioimpedance are presented. The authors present the possibility of taking electrical bioimpedance measurements in everyday clinical practice, both by doctors and physiotherapists.
Authors and Affiliations
Marlena M. Rynkiewicz-Andryśkiewicz, Przemysław K. Andryśkiewicz, Jan Czernicki
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