Electromyographic Activity of Masticatory Muscles in Different Skeletal Profiles
Introduction: Effects of activity of facial and masticatory muscles on facial morphology is important to understand the normal growth and morphological abnormalities If muscle function plays a role in the development, abnormal muscle function explain’s certain abnormalities of facial morphology and certain forms of malocclusion. The present study is designed to know the activity of masticatory muscles in different skeletal facial profiles. Method: Fifteen subjects were selected who have acceptable occlusion and classified into Class I, Class II , Class III groups based on their cephalometric landmarks. Electromyographic recording of Masseter, Temporalis and Orbicularis Oris muscles were carried out and the activity of the muscles was correlated with their skeletal profiles. Results: Activity of the right and left muscles have not differed much. Postural EMG activity for masseter and Temporalis muscles were higher in class II subjects than in class I and class III subjects. Activity was lower in class I when compared to class II and class III. Orbicularis oris muscle activity is least in class II subjects during swallowing. High correlations between electromyographic activity and ANB angle were observed. Conclusion: Clear correlations were found between the shape of the face and the activity of the masticatory muscles.
Authors and Affiliations
Srikanth Gunturu , Sushmitha R. Tauro
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